Business Profile: Bureau Business Services Ltd.

Working from home following lockdowns has become increasingly popular. We spoke to Bureau Business Services Ltd., about their professional space available to those who need a dedicated place to work & study.

What made you set up the business? The Granary offers free internet to customers and we noticed an increase in people using the restaurant to work away from home post-Covid. We had stopped using the first floor of the building after the Pandemic, so decided to build a dedicated facility to diversify our building and business.

Where are you based? We are based on the first floor of The Granary Restaurant in Hay town centre directly opposite the town clock. The Granary is my family’s business.

What is the difference between permanent, semi- permanent and hot desks? Permanent hot desk clients have 24/7 access to the facility and no one else uses the desk they rent. Semi-permanent coworkers are clients who may need just a couple of days a week or month, they will be allocated a desk according to availability on the day. Hot-desking is simply a workspace system in which desks are used by different people at different times, on an ad hoc basis.

Can a business or person rent out the entire space? We have another room which can be rented out to a group or business exclusively for meetings, we also do evening rentals on the first floor for groups such as art classes, yoga and networking.

Describe your ideal client: Working from home has increased exponentially post-Covid.This has created a new market for co-working spaces. Our ideal client is an individual or small business requiring a way to develop a healthier work/home life balance, who is looking to benefit from some of the elements of office/study life which can’t be experienced working alone at home or trying to work with the distractions of children, siblings, housework! - The flexibility associated with hot-desking is often linked to an increase in employee innovation, while the social aspect is cited to encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration and improved mental health.

At what times and days will people have access to the office space? Our permanent clients have 24/7 access we have a lock box entry system for them. Otherwise, its 8am-6pm 7 days a week but we are always flexible with this.

Is there a limit to how many people can use the space? We have space for 10 people per day currently - the space is very big but one of the draws is each desk having so much space and privacy.

What has been the biggest help to building up your business? We have received brilliant support from Business Wales, they have been alongside us ever y step of the way. I was also given some fantastic advice from Gareth Jones Founder & CEO of Town Sq - a group of 7 co-working spaces across Wales & England, Gareth is also director of the UK Co-working Assembly; member of the Prime Minister’s Small Business, Scale ups and Entrepreneurs Business Council. I was introduced to Gareth through our first hot desk client!

List five goals on your business to-do list:

1. Launch of Bureau Business Services including administration and accountancy support, events support, marking and general business assistance.

2. Grow our social media presence and launch our website - we have been working with the wonderful Marva from Griots Arts, Marva is helping us develop a plan for promotion and growth.

3. Booking system - we are hoping to implement an online booking system soon.

4. Launch of Bureau Events - speakers, poetry, music, supper clubs, book club - we have lots of fun plans on the horizon.

5. Study groups, I want to work with local schools and colleges to offer a study facility on the weekends for students needing a space to study for exams.

Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know? We do a free trial day - all you need to do is drop me an email and I’ll book you in - always lovely coffee and cake to welcome new starters! Also, being above the Granary – beautiful fresh healthy food is available to be delivered direct to your desk! We also offer meeting and event catering on request.

What have you done today to make you feel proud? I showed a potential new client around the space today - a referral from someone already using Bureau - always feels good to get clients through word of mouth. Gives a sense that things are going in the right direction.

What do you know now that you wish you knew before starting your business? I think timing is everything, take your time, be prepared, as we say in the catering world – ‘mis en place!’ – Get all your soldiers in a row before you launch. Be confident and keep on keeping on!

Sum your business up in five words: Flexible, community, valuable, space, collaboration.


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