Business Profile: Franklin’s Piano Tuning & Repairs

Man stood beside chestnut brown horse. Both looking into camera.

When was the business started? March 2022.

What made you set up the business? I have worked in the care sector as a registered manager, and I had been in my last job for 15 years. I’ve always enjoyed music, especially the piano and flute. Piano mechanics have always fascinated me and I wanted to do a job that I enjoyed, but really had value.

Where are you based? I’m based in South Herefordshire but cover Hay-on-Wye, Brecon and Clyro.

What is your ideal job / client? I really have a passion for being able to keep older pianos going. Old pianos can sound rich, deep, powerful and feel good to play. Pianos need to be serviced like a car does to keep it functioning at its best.There are so many cheaper pianos being made in Europe and Asia, these don’t have the quality of some older pianos. Environmentally and for sound quality, it makes sense to ensure older pianos are kept tip top condition.

What is your greatest achievement in your business? My greatest achievement was bringing a 100 year old piano that was beloved in a family back to playing condition. Was it easy? Certainly not, but the outcome was far better than we could have hoped for, and that piano now has another 100 years ahead of playing if it’s serviced.

List a goal on your business to-do list: I’d like to tune for a celebrity like Elton John, a true musician who knows how a piano should feel and sound.

What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you whilst doing your job? The funniest thing I guess happened in North Wales. On arrival, I was greated by a massive dog, the size of a pony, and overly friendly. I was left alone to tune a lovely piano and this dog decided to keep me company. I must have been talking quite a while explaining to this dog what I’m doing and listening for, just so the dog didn’t jump up. It was a full conversation! Then out of the blue I had a reply, “that’s really interesting, and I didn’t know the piano had so many strings.”The owner had been watching me talk to this dog and I was completely unaware. They were dog people and found it hilarious, as she explained, she talks to the dog all the time!

Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know? My passion is quality work, reasonable prices, and trying to keep as many pianos playable. I am open and honest and want to build up long term relationships with clients and their beloved pianos.

Sum your business up in five words: Passionate about pianos and people.


Your History: The Games Hospital


Local Talent: Miriam Vincent