Hay Chamber of Commerce Update

Firstly, we would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year from Hay Chamber. Another year passes and a new year begins with fresh energy, fresh hope and fresh ideas. 2023 has certainly been a year of great upheaval and many challenges, but our beautiful town continues to thrive and this is, in large part, down to our unique identity, strong and dynamic businesses, and supportive community.

As always, the Big Switch On of Hay’s Christmas Lights, and Hay Festival’s Winter Weekend were wonderful events that showcased what Hay has to offer and brought lots of people to the town. Thank you to all of the businesses, organisations and individuals who contributed towards the cost of the lights and an extra special thank you to Emily Daw for organising the switch on event and to Bob Hilton for actually putting up the lights.

We look forward to another great year in Hay, despite any challenges that 2024 might bring. One of those challenges will cer tainly be the ongoing Welsh Water works that will begin again in early January.

To start with, Belmont Road and Broad Street will be closed to all traffic, except for access to properties. It is expected that this will be in stages so initially access to Lion Street should remain open until they reach that area. Access to Castle Street will remain open as normal now that the work on this section has been completed.Traffic will initially still be able to come from Clyro, over Hay Bridge and then turn left down Newport Street, as has been happening over the last few weeks.

Once the work reaches the junction with Bridge Street, by the Three Tuns, and proceeds down Newport Street this section will be closed to all traffic between 1pm and 8pm each day.There will be a sign posted diversion route to the businesses etc, on Newport Street via Clifford. Pedestrian access down Newport Street will remain open at all times.They currently expect to reach this point early February, but it is subject to them hitting any problems as they proceed.

Once the work progresses beyond the Dulas Brook, then the traffic will be controlled by traffic lights and the road will remain open to traffic. Similarly as work moves progresses along Brecon Road then traffic will be controlled by traffic lights.

This is obviously going to substantially impact the businesses on Newport Street, as well as access to the Coop.They will try to work through this stretch as quickly as possible but they are hampered by the width of the road which prevents them from keeping the road open while they are working.

This may be subject to minor change but Welsh Water will keep us informed, and we will continue to keep you all updated. It has been agreed that all work will be stopped and cleared for the two weeks of Hay Festival.

Can we please remind all businesses that if you have already been, or you are later, financially impacted by the work you can apply to Welsh Water for compensation.You can do this by sending the following details to their community inbox at: community@dwrcymru.com with “Llyswen Zonal Scheme – Hay-on-Wye” in the subject Line:

• Claimants name
• Business name
• Email address
• Telephone number
• Address of the business

There is no restriction on how long you have been trading, be it from 6 weeks, to 6 months, to 6 years. The process is managed by a team of independent loss adjusters. Please make sure you register if you have been impacted.

Article supplied by Hay-on-Wye Chamber of Commerce


Focus On: Chris Norton


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