Ludlow Choral Society

We caught up with Ludlow Choral Society last month. We spoke about their music, their upcoming performances and how local people can join. Do you fancy yourself a songbird?

Tell us about Ludlow Choral Society... The choir has a long history, having been founded in 1858, but it has moved with the times and is still going strong. There are currently around 60 members.We present two or three concerts each year, usually in St Laurence’s Church or at Ludlow Assembly Rooms.

What kind of music do you sing? We perform music ranging from the traditional choral repertoire to less familiar earlier and more modern works. Some pieces have been specially composed for the choir.

Tell us about the people involved... Nicola Starkie is the Music Director and conductor, and Steve Dunachie our accompanist and Assistant Music Director. Nicola has been with Ludlow Choral Society since 2019. She studied music in Cambridge and choral conducting in Birmingham. She is based in Birmingham and also directs Quinborne Choir, Quinton Community Choir, King Edward’s School Choir and Polaris Vocal Ensemble. Nicola sings with Ex Cathedra. Steve is a versatile musician, working freelance as a piano teacher, music therapist, adjudicator, accompanist and composer in the fields of classical, jazz, folk and rock music. As well as working with Nicola and Steve, the choir also collaborates with other musicians, both singers and instrumental players.We are sometimes accompanied by a small professional ensemble, and our soloists are often young musicians at the start of their careers.

Can I join? Yes, we’d love to have you! New members are always welcome. If you’re interested, contact our membership secretary, or just come along to a rehearsal. See details below.

Is there an audition and do I need to be able to read music? There are no auditions. While it helps to be able to read music, not all our members do and there is lots of help available for new and returning singers.

Tell me about rehearsals and other activities... Rehearsals are held in the Methodist Church, Broad Street, Ludlow, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm on Tuesday evenings in term time, generally from the beginning of September to sometime in July. As well as rehearsals and concerts we hold occasional workshops and a variety of social events, including barbecues, quizzes, and ‘singalong’ evenings at Ludlow Brewery

What do members say about the choir? Here are just a few comments from our members: “Choir, conductor...everyone always friendly and helpful”; “Feel at home, very welcome”; “The way to great friendship”; “Singing great music with professional musicians for a performance to be proud of”.

When is your next concert and what are you performing? Our next concert is entitled ‘Seven Queens’ and is on Saturday 11th June at 7.30pm at Ludlow Assembly Rooms. The programme is a collection of music associated with queens, real or fictional, written by the English Renaissance and Baroque composers Handel, Purcell and Byrd, as well as the popular ‘Anon’. The choir will be accompanied by the Ludlow Camerata led by Anne Tupling and the concert includes some instrumental items. The programme is also an opportunity to celebrate the present Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, as it includes some works performed at her coronation.

Where can I get a ticket? Tickets are available from Ludlow Assembly Rooms, Market Square, Ludlow, SY8 1AZ ( or on the door, priced £15 (18s and under free).

How can I find out more? Take a look at our website, or email membership@ Alternatively, contact Margaret Appleton on,uk or phone 01584 874 861.


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