Q&A: Ludlow Swimming Club

Ludlow Swimming Club

Ludlow Swimming Club runs swimming sessions for all levels of ability. In the November 2021 issue of Local Ludlow, we asked them why we should get involved…

What does your club offer? The club offers a range of swimming sessions for training at all levels.

How often are your sessions and how long do they last? Sessions on offer include:

Foundation Squad: 1 session per week – 45 minute session.  Age from 6+ but must be capable of swimming 25m without stopping.

Development Squad: up to 3 sessions per week – Tuesday session 1 hour, Saturday 1½ hours and Sunday 1½ hours.

Performance Squad: up to 4 sessions per week – Monday and Friday 2 hour session, Tuesday session 1 hour and Sunday 1½ hours.

Is the Club for strong swimmers, or are beginners welcome too? Swimmers of all levels of ability are encouraged to join.

What are the benefits of being involved with a club? Attending galas at Wolverhampton Central baths; attending league galas located in the West Midlands and Wales; and annual club championships and associated awards ceremony.

What can swimmers expect to achieve if they join? One swimmer who has recently left to start university competes on a national level and is hoping to attend the Commonwealth Games. He  is achieving Olympic times in 50m and 100m back.  He gained two gold medals at the British national event in July 2019.

We also have three West Midlands swimmers competing in the November short course event.

Thirty swimmers have qualified for the Shropshire County Championships being held in January/February 2022.

How can people sign up? Contact us on headcoach@ludlowsc.org.uk. The fees are as listed:

Annual online membership system insurance fee of £40.00

Foundation squad – £15 per month

Development squad – £29 per month

Performance squad – £36 per month.


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