Michael Hoskins Photography

In our December issue we spoke to Michael Hoskins about his Photography and some ideas for Christmas gifts.

How long have you been a photographer?

black and white image of man holding camera

I have been taking photos of wildlife since 2010. I learnt how to capture creatures in the wild whilst on a trip to Madagascar.

Where have you travelled to photograph wildlife?

I have visited over 30 countries in search of the beauty of the natural world. Leopards in Sri Lanka and Snow Monkeys in Japan are some of my favourites.

Why have you chosen to specialise in wildlife photography?

It’s my passion. My grandfather was such an inspiration and role model and I took on his love of the natural world at a young age.

What can people expect to see at your exhibition?

Almost all of the photos are creatures that you can find in the Brecon Beacons and all of the photos were taken in Wales, from Red Kites to Orange Tip butterflies.

Have the photographs that are for sale, been taken locally or further afield?

All photos are taken within the Brecon Beacons National Park apart from the Puffins.
The charismatic Puffins gather every year on Skomer Island in Pembrokeshire.

What is the price range of your photographs and what are the framing options?

The prints and frames in the exhibition are for sale together but I am happy to create a custom combination. The photos are reasonably priced from £30 to £90.

Would they make great gifts this Christmas?

Absolutely, the perfect gift for nature lovers.

Anything else you’d like our readers to know?

Thanks for taking the time to read this article. If you want to know more, please visit my website: www.michaelhoskinsphotography.com


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