New in Town: The Mud Room

A new dog groomer has opened up in Bwlch and we wanted to learn more…

Where are you based? I am based on site at Buckland Hill Kennels & Cattery Bwlch, LD3 7HX.

Why this area? This is home for me. My husband is in the Royal Air Force and over the last 12 years we have moved around the country and even to other countries, however my children are now in school and settled. This area is not only beautiful but everyone I have met is so friendly and welcoming. It is truly a special place which is why we have settled here.

What made you start up this business? I have always loved dogs and own two beautiful fox red Labradors myself. My background has always been within the creative industry. I have a degree in Fine Art and worked previously as a secondary school Art and Photography teacher. I wanted to be able to work with both passions and dog grooming allows me to do this.There is nothing better than working with my hands to create sleek and elegant grooms with the bonus of cuddles and playing with the dogs. It’s a win in my opinion!

What are some of challenges you encountered? One of the main challenges was finding products I wanted to use on the dogs to really nourish and enhance their coats as well as considering the suitability for all different breeds. I am really proud to be using products in my salon that are hypoallergenic and PH balanced, so perfect for sensitive skin as well as deep nourishing and conditioning.They are vegan and are made only from natural ingredients but most importantly they are animal cruelty free, they also smell absolutely fantastic which is perfect if your dog has been running around and getting particularly dirty.

Is this the first business you have launched? This is the first business I have launched on my own which I am really excited and passionate about. It helps that I am lucky enough to have a huge amount of suppor t from my family and friends in my new adventure.


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