We Feed the UK

Penpont warmly invites you to visit for a family-friendly weekend of art, nature, tea, cake and (hopefully) a spot of sunshine on Summer Solstice weekend, 22nd - 23rd June. Join us to explore our historic working gardens, find your way to the centre of the famous Green Man Maze and immerse yourselves in We Feed the World - a major new arts project celebrating how progressive farming can restore nature, produce great food and build community.

Across these two days we will be exhibiting award- winning photography of Penpont by Andy Pilsbury, including breathtaking landscape images and portraits of life on the land, from sheep shearing to tree planting. The exhibition will also feature paintings by Robert MacDonald, Chair of the Royal Welsh Watercolour Society, a poem about Penpont by former National Poet of Wales, Ifor-ap-Glyn and artwork produced by Penpont’s young artist in residence, Hana Salih.

During your visit to Penpont, you will also be able to visit our newly - opened Land Library. Featuring a world - class collection of nature writing for all ages, reading trails, guides and work space, the Library will be a place where people of all ages can immerse themselves in compelling writing and the living world that inspires it.

Penpont was chosen as a partner for The Gaia Foundation’s We Feed the UK initiative because of our long-term work to engage young people with farming and nature restoration. Partnering with youth environment charity Action for Conservation, Estate farmers the Davies Family and a youth leadership group of 13-18 year olds, in 2019 we co-founded the Penpont Project - the UK’s largest intergenerational nature restoration initiative. Since then, we have planted more than 10,000 trees, restored lost ponds, created habitat for otters, grass snakes and barn owls, and brought hundreds of young people onto the land to teach them green skills from lambing to coppicing.

Join us on the 22nd or the 23rd at Penpont House, Brecon, Powys, LD3 8EU to find out more.The exhibition and Penpont’s grounds will be open between 10am - 5pm. Parking will be provided on-site and a café serving tea, coffee and cakes will run throughout the weekend.

Article supplied by Penpont


The Fathom Trust


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