What is it about Clay?

There is something magical about making pots.

“Getting my hands in clay and making an object satisfies something in me. Wednesday mornings in the Potting Shed are the highlight of my week.” Tessa Baring, pottery student at Cabalva Ceramics.

On her family’s organic regenerative farm, ceramicist Corisande Albert has created a place of inspiration and creative community in her studio ‘Cabalva Ceramics’. Opened in 2017, the ceramics studio found its home in a restored potting shed hidden in a forgotten corner of the kitchen garden.

“I love how working on the wheel makes me feel – the worries of the day disappear and I feel like a child at play.” Corisande Albert.

Overlooking the river Wye and Black Mountains beyond, it is difficult not to be inspired by this location. Within her own practice, Corisande reflects the landscape around her, using a mixture of glazes, brush techniques and carving to emulate the hazy hills and rippling water.

Alongside her own work, Corisande organises termly morning classes taught by Nancy Frost and Jean Sampson. Throughout the year there are also plenty of workshops held by visiting ceramicists on a wide variety of pottery techniques including hand-building, throwing, raku and surface decoration.The class sizes are small creating a friendly, relaxed, and creative atmosphere and community, for potters and pottery enthusiasts from total beginners to professionals.

“I did a 10-week course at Cabalva where I was given the chance to explore my interests in a supported and beautiful environment. I fell in love with clay and now I get to share this amazing space with others.” Gracie Price, Studio Assistant at Cabalva.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my classes at the Potting Shed. The studio is well equipped in a gorgeous setting and the atmosphere is friendly, relaxed and inspirational” Carrie, Pottery Student at Cabalva Ceramics.

From the 7th - 15th September, Cabalva Ceramics will be open for Herefordshire Ar t Week exhibiting a selection of ceramicists, including Verity Howard, Nancy Frost, Robert Collingwood, Felicity Rubinstein, Bill Parkes as well as artist Holland Otik and blacksmith Joel Black who now live and work at Cabalva. For more information visit h-art.org.uk/ explore/venue/cabalva-ceramics

“If anyone is thinking they might give pottery a go - don’t hesitate - do it! For me hand building, in particular, is a great source of calm.”Tessa Baring Pottery Student at Cabalva Ceramics

If you want to explore the world of clay, develop your own creativity, or know someone who has always wanted to give pottery a go, Cabalva Ceramics run regular termly classes, one-day workshops, private sessions and offer gift cards. Information about these and Corisande Albert’s work can be found on the website www.cabalvaceramics.co.uk and on Instagram @cabalva_ceramics


Party Starter: DJ Max Galactic


Devauden Festival