Brecon Advice Centre

Brecon Advice Centre (BAC) was constituted in 1976 and was a member of the National association of Citizens Advice Bureaux between 1977 & 2002. BAC registered as a charity in 1980, having the number 510226. BAC were awarded the quality mark by the Legal Service Commission in 2001, and have been affiliated to Advice UK since 2002.

What services do you offer? BAC offers free, face to face, impartial, and confidential advice to Brecon and the surrounding areas on matters such as Debt, Consumer Issues, State Benefits, Employment, and Family Matters to name a few.

What are your opening hours? We are open on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 10am to 1pm and there is no need to book an appointment. Simply come in.

How have you helped people in the past? Our experienced and friendly team have helped over 800 clients in the last 9 months deal with issues such as completion of online forms, debts, utility companies, cost of living concerns, bus pass applications, foodbank vouchers, benefits, bereavement, homelessness and much more.Where necessary we have an associate solicitor who will offer a free initial consultation should a problem require a legal route.

Anything else you’d like our readers to know? Our team are all volunteers, and we would welcome further applications should you be interested. BAC are totally reliant on donations to continue to offer this free service, so we would respectfully ask you to consider us in your 2024 charitable donation.


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