Business Profile: Ludlow Nut Company

Ludlow Nut company Nut products lined up.

This April we have spoken to the Ludlow Nut Company. Discussing where the business began and their plans for the future.

When was the business started? In 2004.

What made you set up the business? Moving to Ludlow with its amazing food vibe gave us the idea of starting a food business. We began trading in local markets selling nuts, dried fruits and seeds and gradually expanded the business and our product range to include breakfast cereals and nut butters. In 2018 we built our own factory on the Foldgate Lane Retail Park and currently employ 10 local people. We now roast and flavour our own range of nuts, and make our own range of porridges, mueslis, granolas and nut butters.

What products do you sell and what is the most popular? Our most popular products are our range of roasted and flavoured cashews, mueslis and granolas and our Jumbo Oat Blend porridge. Not forgetting our Crunchy Hi-Oleic Peanut Butter!

Where can we buy your products: do you deliver? You can buy our products from our website at www. In addition to delivery we provide a Click & Collect service. Ludlow Farm Shop and Harp Lane Deli stock a selection from our range and the Church Inn and the Charlton Arms sell our nuts. We are proud to supply stores including Fortnum & Mason and Selfridges.We also export to Norway, Germany, South Korea and Japan.

Do you have ambitions to move or grow bigger? We are continually looking to expand our range and to improve our production capacity with the aim of becoming a nationally recognised brand.

What is your greatest achievement in your business? Getting to where we are today from our first day of trading on a Wednesday in October 2004 in Ludlow market. Our very first sale was 100g of sultanas!

Has Ludlow Nut Co. won any business awards? We have 5 Great Taste Awards for our breakfast cereals and two Best in Show awards for our nut butters. We have recently been selected to participate in the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses UK programme, which is designed to provide high- quality, practical education and business support to leaders of high-growth small businesses and social enterprises across the country.

Would you say you are an eco-friendly business? We are very aware as a business of our responsibility to protect the environment.When we designed our business premises we placed a 200 solar panel array on the roof and the orientation of the roof and its pitch were designed to maximise the efficiency of the panels. No gas is connected to the building, all the lighting is low energy LED. Our building exceeds the standard for insulation. All of our cardboard waste is recycled and we have introduced recyclable packaging for our breakfast cereal and nut butter ranges.We have also engaged Isla Bikes Cargo Bike delivery service for our local deliveries.

Two lessons having your own business has taught you? First is to follow your dream and don’t be afraid to strike out on your own. You don’t have to start big – think about what you should get into, what’s already ‘out there’, and go for it. Second, don’t think that you know all there is to know. We have sought advice and help from many external agencies that are out there for advice and assistance.

What has been the biggest help in building up the business? European Union grants/funding that have helped us over the years to grow and develop.

Is there anything else you’d like people to know? People should remember that there are good fats and there are bad fats. Nuts and seeds are full of good fats, wholegrain cereals are high in fibre and great for gut health. Nuts, seeds, dried fruits and wholegrain cereals are essential in maintaining a healthy diet!


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