Erwood Station Craft Centre

Where are you based? We’re about 1⁄4 a mile from Erwood Village, off the A470 towards Aberedw. Follow the brown signs.

What made you decide to move your business from Brecon High Street to here? We first opened our previous business Bobbins in 2011 on the Struet in Brecon, and then moved to the Bulwark in 2014. Jenny and I thoroughly enjoyed trading in Brecon, but we felt that the time was right for a change. When Erwood Station became available, we felt it was the perfect opportunity to try something new.

Tell us about the range of products and gifts on offer: We have retained one of the carriages as an art gallery to keep up the tradition of the station over the years. We have been lucky enough to fill it with some beautiful artwork from local artists such as Dai David, David Bellamy and Phil Clark. Everything from photography, paintings, woodturning and pottery, with a long list of other artists eagerly awaiting the opportunity to showcase their work.We have a local produce section where we stock an array of local honeys, chutneys etc. We have a truly unique selection of stunning fairtrade items from around the World, ecofriendly clothing, jewellery and an outdoor section for some great add ons for any garden.

Do you still offer design and print at the new premises? We have naturally had to slimline what we can offer with regards to print, but we are pleased to say that we can still offer t-shirt design, personalised merchandise and will continue to support our existing customers with their local business items, invoice pads, posters etc.

Can you tell us more about the café? The café was previously run on a self service basis, but we wanted to convert it back to a traditional coffee shop with table service.We extended the floor space and changed the layout and are now pleased to offer locally roasted coffee and a selection of loose leaf teas. Mouthwateringly good, locally baked cakes and snacks are also available and we are happy to provide some really special seating areas in one of the converted carriages, so you can enjoy your food and drink whilst watching the birds at our feeding stations, overlooking the much loved River Wye.

How has the move gone? We closed the shop in Brecon on Christmas Eve, and picked up the keys to Erwood Station on the 1st January.To say that January was a bit frantic is something of an understatement.

But we are so pleased with the results of the renovation, and we are really proud of how we pulled together and worked hard as a team. We opened the doors early February and we have been so delighted with the response of the local community in the new venture.

Tell us about the team: It’s very much a family affair. The whole team from Bobbins pulled together for the renovation, and going forward myself (Steve) and my wife Jenny, with our daughter Stacey will be running Erwood Station full time,and our son Lee will be running the print part time.We are lucky enough to have Andy, our son-in-law, a consultant chef, happy to advise with anything café related and to provide us with his award winning pies and other incredible creations later in the year.We have granddaughters and grandsons all eagerly anticipating the school holidays, so they can come and help, and they are never short of their own ideas as to what events we should hold throughout the summer.

List five goals on your business to-do list?

1. To continue to source local and unique products that you wouldn’t likely find on the high street.

2. To support local artists and crafts people, both well established and new to the industry.

3. Establish ourselves as a hub for the local community.

4. Use our unique platform as a way to inform and educate people as to what this amazing area has to offer both in terms of wildlife and conservation, and in creativity and wellness.

5. To provide a friendly and welcoming place for people to spend time and really relax and enjoy themselves. Hopefully becoming a ‘go-to’ for people to come back again and again.

Is there anthing else you’d like our readers to know? As well as being a great place to eat, drink, shop and explore, we are hoping to hold workshops and events throughout the year. School holidays being a focus for young minds to learn how to be creative and express themselves through different mediums. We hope to educate them on wildlife and conservation, and the amazing place in which we live.

We hope to hold events for adults along the way too. All very much in the planning stages at the moment, but it’s something we’d like your readers to be aware of so they can keep an eye out for any future events.

Sum your business up in five words: Unique, local, creative, heartwarming and dog-loving!


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