Four Reasons Why Print Advertising Rocks

Okay, so we might be biased, but we think print advertising rocks! I mean, we should know.

Here are our top four reasons why print media is the perfect choice for any local business.

1. Print Advertising Targets Local Clients and Customers.

It’s fair to say that you may not know who is going to pick up your advert, but if 100% of the leaflets and magazines are distributed locally, then there’s a pretty good likelihood that a local person is going to see your advertisement. This means you can trust that the leads generated by your print advertisement are relevant and of high quality. What more do you need?

2. It is a Key Component of any Good Marketing Campaign.

Everyone knows that social media is a free and easy way of getting your business seen. In fact, 66% of the UK population are Facebook users. But that still leaves 34% of the UK population that need to be reached using a different method. Plus, print advertising is much less competitive, meaning your advert is much more likely to be seen in a magazine or a flyer than on Facebook or Instagram. Print marketing should be used in conjunction with digital marketing to reach the most of your target market.

3. It Strengthens Branding & Grows Trust

If you have invested in consistently presenting your business in local print media, your target audience will see you more often and naturally gain trust that you are a reliable and sustainable business that isn’t going anywhere. Have you ever thought ‘I have used print advertising but I don’t know whether it has worked for me’? Well, even if it hasn’t generated immediate calls with excited people saying “I saw your advert in the community magazine!”, it might have spurred them on to look up your website or social media, or it might have got them thinking about your services and helped them to build up trust in your brand. The only thing you can know for sure is if you aren’t out there, there’s no chance of potential customers spotting you.

4. Print is Less Competitive

As mentioned before, print marketing is much less competitive than digital marketing. This means that people are more likely to see your advert and react to it than they would if they saw it on a digital screen. The internet is saturated with content and advertisements, plus digital links are often much less trustworthy than that of their printed counterparts. Although print costs money, you’re more likely to be seen and you’re not hedging your bets as much.


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