Hands Together Ludlow

A new opportunity to get some digital help... Do you think you ought to know more about computers? Are you struggling to use online services? In partnership with Shropshire Council, we are pleased to be offering free digital support through an eight- week course, or through a drop-in service.

The eight- week courses are delivered by our digital volunteers, who will give you the skills and confidence to access the internet safely and independently.The courses are usually held on a Monday afternoon at our Hub at 15 Lower Galdeford, and the drop-in sessions are held weekly, also at The Hub. If you would like to find out more and would like to book a place on the course, please call 01584 817 250.

We have recognised that loneliness and isolation is a huge issue that is affecting many people in our community. Earlier this year, NFU Mutual Ludlow very generously awarded us their Agency Giving Fund for 2023.This has enabled us to recruit and train a new team of Befriending volunteers to provide face-to-face or over-the-phone support, in a friendly and approachable manner to those who will benefit from increased social contact.

Back in May we recruited a new Food Coordinator, Sophie, who oversees all the food projects we run, including Community Lunch, AfternoonTea and the Community Fridge. The Community Fridge helps prevent food waste and we receive daily donations of food from supermarket chains, local shops in town and from the public, that would otherwise be going to waste. Our team of volunteer cooks use as much surplus as they can to make nutritious meals for our members at Lunch andTea every week. The Fridge is open to anyone who needs it, opening Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm. Food can be taken for a £1 minimum donation.

We have lots happening at The Hub and plenty of opportunities to get involved. Everyone is welcome, so call by and see us any time.

Article supplied by Hands Together Ludlow


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