Larchwood Studio

Larchwood Studio is the hub of Racquety Farm. It’s a small complex of buildings that has many functions... but it is so very much more than just buildings.

The main studio space is home to a first-rate and ever- growing community of wellness practitioners, most of whom live locally in and around Hay-on-Wye. Many have said the positive energy at Larchwood Studio is ‘through the roof ’... and this is not because of the materials it was built with but because it’s a place immersed in nature and brimming with passion, creativity, expertise, synergy and most importantly, love.

The first teacher to use the space back in 2019 was Graham Nolan of River Flow Yoga. He started with two classes a week and now has two full days of yoga andThaiYoga Massage at Larchwood every week! Fast forward to 2022 when we held a pilot wellness festival called ‘Community’ hosted by Russell & Laura Brand and headlined by Wim Hof. It was a great success which guided us to decide, with the support of Graham, to dedicate Larchwood Studio almost exclusively to wellbeing practice, therapy and tuition.

Larchwood Studio now has a weekly and monthly schedule of regular classes,workshops and collaborations plus one-off ‘specials’ and socials run by our fourteen- strong (and growing) community of practitioners. We also host short workshops, day retreats and residential gatherings run by other practitioners from all over the world. You can also contact all the Larchwood Practitioners directly to book treatments, 1:1 and private group/family sessions. From reflexology to iridology to energy healing and guided meditation to Thai yoga massage to Indian head massage to dynamic vinyasa to family yoga to chakra dancing to sound healing... what will you choose?

What makes Larchwood such a great space to teach and practise in? Here are a few reasons:

•The building project was completed in 2019. Most of the building work (other than the mainstructure) was completed by us the family with help from friends, family and our small staff team ...and we are all really proud of what we’ve created in both a home for ourselves plus facilities and spaces our guests and visitors.What we are equally proud of is the low impact of the buildings and facilities which we will continue to improve upon as we grow and develop into the space, hopefully across generations to come. Since moving in in 2019 we have added a generation already!

•We use a green energy supplier and have a low- level mains power supply. We have a wood fired (we harvest a sustainable supply from the farm ourselves) and solar powered hot water system.

•We are sensitive to the ecology of our landscape and the wildlife we live amongst. We work to an ecological plan on the site to protect the abundance of wildlife, flora and fauna we are so lucky to live and work amongst.We have regular support and inspections from an independent ecologist.

• Our ethos is - reduce, reuse and recycle. We put this into practise ourselves plus we provide our guests and visitors with the facilities and tools to embrace the ethos with us.

Sustainability is the core of everything we do here and we are continuously looking for ways to improve and reduce our impact both now in the present day and by paving the way for our future generations. We also aim to provoke thought and action in others through their experiences as a client, pupil or guest at Racquety Farm and Larchwood Studio.

Join us! Please check out our online calendar to find out what’s on at the studio and how to book. If you’re a well-being/creative practitioner yourself then please contact us if you’d like to arrange to look around the studio with a view to hosting a class or workshop here. If you’re an organisation who would like to hold a meeting, team wellbeing event, or small conference please get in touch.

Is there something you’d like to see happening at Larchwood Studio that’s not on the schedule already? Please get in touch and we will look into making it happen.

Article supplied by Larchwood Studio


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