Hay Hotfooters Member, Eleanor Griffiths

I have been running for about 17 years. I got into it through training at the gym and training with a personal trainer to run the Reading 1/2 marathon. I had caught the running bug by then!

It helps my mental and physical health - being out in the fresh air, building a social life through joining a running club, improving my fitness, stamina and confidence by setting myself goals and challenges.

I have been with HHF since about November 2019 - just as Covid was about to set in!

I like the team morale - the members are all so supportive, friendly and encouraging and we have fun together and some great social events. It’s great to be able to attend race events together. I’ve also learnt plenty of new running routes too.

Best running moments - where do I begin... I really enjoy running in the countryside with the club, I enjoy the XC events, competing against other local running clubs. Worst running moments - pulling muscles and getting stung by nettles!

My favourite run is probably from Cusop up to Hay Bluff - I have lots though.

I recently left my career working as a dental nurse to start training to become a reflexologist after realising the benefits it can have on people’s physical and mental wellbeing.

My most recent challenge was to run 100km+ in September to raise money for Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital. I’m sure though there will be more challenges to come before long!

Hay Hotfooters


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