JB Lawncare

Where are you based and what area do you cover? Brecon and surrounding area.

Why this area? I’ve lived in Brecon most of my life, and try to keep as local as possible. I also work as a retained firefighter in Brecon so have to be on call most days, therefore it’s important I’m not too far away.

What made you start up this business? Becoming self employed means I am my own boss, which gives me freedom and choice of hours to work. I specifically chose lawn care as I believe there is a gap in the market around this area.

What services do you offer? Grass cutting, scarification, aeration, lawn treatments, hedge cutting and garden clearances.

What type of education or experience helped you to open/run/manage this business? I began working for a national company in which we cut grass, mainly for army camps. One of the lawns was very heavily covered in moss and I wanted to find out how we could improve it. I began researching and then practiced the techniques on my grandfather’s and a few friends’ lawn. I absolutely loved the process/ results so began researching even more, so I’m mainly self taught.

Describe a typical day in your business: I typically cut my regular customers’ lawns Monday - Wednesday, and then one off jobs Thursday - Saturday. I begin work around 8am and finish between 6/7pm.

What do you enjoy most about your job? Most of the work has instant results, so it’s very satisfying to see. Lawn renovations take a bit longer but have greater results. I enjoy knowing I’ve made a difference, and it’s very pleasing to hear good feedback from customers.

Anything else you’d like our readers to know? Keeping a healthy lawn is pretty straight forward and doesn’t have to cost the earth. Scarify twice a year, regular aeration and plenty of water will make a massive difference. If any readers would like advice then by all means get in touch, I’m always happy to help.

Article supplied by JB Lawncare


Small Breeds Farm Park


Wynnes of Dinmore