Wynnes of Dinmore

When was the business started? 1998.

What made you set up the business? We (Bryan and Ann) married in 1986 and lived on the family farm at Hope under Dinmore. In 1988 we put up our first building for free range egg production. We soon expanded and diversified by retailing and wholesaling our eggs and a range of other products.

Where are you based? Just off the A49, between Hereford and Leominster.

Tell us about the recent changes: There have been many changes over the years, mostly from expansion and diversification but some from ill health.

In 2015 we moved the farm shop into a new building on the farm and accidentally turned into a tourist attraction.We were selling poultry and livestock and breeding animals which are of course a delight to see in the paddocks (pygmy goats, alpacas, sheep) and in the barns ducklings and chicks and selling lots of other things and as a result more people came to visit.

In 2019 we opened our first Holiday Cottage called ‘The Grange’ which overlooks the animals in the paddocks and in 2022 our second proper ty, ‘The Lookout’.

In 2022, to expand our overall business, we turned part of the farm into Wynnes Business Park.Enterprises here now include VP Photography, All Positive Dog Training and Simply CBD Ltd. To accommodate the additional businesses, we moved our Wynnes Countr y Store into an adjacent building and portacabin.

What products/livestock can we buy at Wynnes? Poultry: Laying hens – at point of lay. Fully vaccinated hybrid birds. Brown - warren type. Available all year round, prolific layers £15. Excellent for new and experienced poultry keepers.Various coloured hens – available 9 months of the year:Speckledy,Silver Sussex,Marigold,Leg Horn.Dual purpose birds - Light Sussex and Bluebelles. Coloured egg layers - Leg Bar. Dark brown egg layers: Copper Comet. Bantams – at point of lay. Fully vaccinated. Available 9 months of the year - Silkies, Pekins, and Polish. Seasonally - quail, guinea fowl, ducks, and ducklings. Livestock - pygmy goat kids, ouessant lambs and alpaca crias. Feed, bedding, supplies, equipment, health and hygiene.

Tell us about the animals? Ducklings - At the moment we are hatching.We have in stock Call Ducks, Cayuga, Runner, Khaki and Cherry Valley. To watch children and indeed adults choose their favourites from the brooder is especially nice as we know these wonderful little creatures will be part of a loving family and with guidance from our staff will be well cared for.

Pygmy Goat Kids and Ouessant Lambs - If you have a paddock or orchard close to your house and thinking of friendly family pets to keep the grass down, these are top contenders.

Pygmy Goats love to climb obstacles and ramps. Even as adults they are small (you will see the parent stock on the farm) and they too are playful.The love interaction with people. Many of our customers regularly send photographs.

Ouessant lambs - Ouessant are one the smallest sheep breeds in the world.The adults are about the same size as an adult pygmy goat.They too have endearing qualities and on times we watch in amazement as ours playfully bounce across the meadow.

Alpaca Crias - There is something special about alpacas. In comparison to pygmy goats or Ouessant, they are giants, but they are gentle giants. As a herd animal they look after whatever livestock shares their paddock.They are inquisitive creatures and can be halter trained and taken on walks. Indeed some people make a business from doing so. Others use their fleeces to make items of clothing.

Can our readers visit for the day? We are a retail outlet, so yes, we would be delighted to see you!

Although we no longer have a café and public toilet, both are available at Queenswood Country Park & Arboretum – less than a 5 minute drive away.

Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know? Yes. Get the right advice before you buy your livestock, housing and supplies. We give free advice on how to look after livestock we sell and exactly what you need. We have experienced staff on site to take the time to explain.

Sum your business up in five words: The “good life” starts here.

Article supplied by Wynnes of Dinmore


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