Keep Ludlow a Healthy & Happy Place to Live

Together, we want to keep Shropshire a healthy and happy place to live. We want you and your loved ones to feel good and have everything you need to stay healthy.

In Ludlow and your community, we care about what you value and what makes you feel healthy and well. We want to know if there are things that could be improved or done differently to help you and your loved ones feel even better.

Being healthy and well starts before we might need help from doctors or other caregivers. It starts at home, school, and in the community. It even includes the streets and parks where we play.

The conditions of these things can affect our ability to make healthy choices and live healthy lives. For example, having a safe and nice home can make us feel secure and in control.This helps us sleep better and reduces stress and feel happier and more stable.

Being connected to family, friends, and our community is really important too. It makes us happier and helps us live longer. When we feel connected, we have fewer problems with our physical and mental health.

Mayor of Ludlow Councillor Glenn Ginger said: “Ludlow Town Council is very pleased to be assisting Shropshire Council to seek the views of local people. The wellbeing of our community is important to us all.”

Shropshire Council Councillor Cecilia Motley said: “We are delighted to be working with Ludlow Town Council to discover the health and wellbeing needs of Ludlow residents. This will help us to better understand how we can best support local people to live healthier lives for longer.”

We want to know what you think your community needs to stay healthy and well.We want to work together to find the right services for you. So please share what you know with us using the QR code, survey link or post boxes!

Survey link:

Paper copies of the survey are available at Ludlow Library, and there will be post boxes at Ludlow Library, Ludlow Assembly Rooms and the Rockspring community centre for you to return the paper surveys.

Article supplied by Shropshire Council and Ludlow Town Council


Business Profile: Hillscott Projects Ltd.


Your History: “Mine’s a Pint”