Kundalini Yoga

Those who know me will know I struggle to stick at anything. I’ve tried many classes and forms of exercise, but somehow I always find an excuse not to stick at it. Sometimes it’s genuine, as I have lower back pain and knee issues - so not all exercise is good for me. Yoga and pilates are proven to help with this, suggested by chiropractors even - but that still isn’t enough for me to stick to them! Until now...

A friend had mentioned Georgie some years ago. Georgie teaches Kundalini Yoga that is very different from other yoga styles I have tried. I had a few things going on at home, in particular some conflict that was really taking its toll on me mentally. So my friend prompted me to go along to one of Georgie’s classes.

On a cold Friday morning last January, I was warmly greeted by a friendly group of people at the class at Kingswood Village Hall, near Kington. Georgie, with a beaming smile explains things clearly for those starting out. Exercises are gentle and you are encouraged to listen to your own body. She gets to know her clients, finding out any injuries or needs and adapts her classes if she can. In my last class she was able to give a pregnant lady slightly different exercises that would be better for her and the baby. Various music is played during the classes, sequences are short and easy to follow. The music really helped me to relax and enjoy the session. Some music can be upbeat and really makes me work my body harder. Between each exercise there is time to relax, this is to let the work you have done take effect. During that first class it was a total surprise to hear the group sing along to the most beautiful song - it was a rather choking moment that I won’t forget.

Now in my ninth month of going to Georgie’s classes, I can confirm I have stuck at it and not just this, but I eagerly await my weekly class. In each of Georgie’s classes you will chant, meditate and most of all have a really fabulous stretch. There have been times when I have cried, a sign of releasing emotion. I come from each class absolutely buzzing. I often continue to feel the energy in my body, like a ball of light. It’s very hard to explain as no other exercise or experience has given me this feeling. I feel a lot better physically and mentally because of these classes.

We are blessed in this area to have so many super instructors, of all different styles of yoga. When you find your style, and I suggest you try as many as you can, it won’t be a chore to stick to a regular class.

To continue on this wonderful journey with Georgie I also visited her at home for some spiritual healing. I went with a completely open mind as I wasn’t convinced this was for me, like many of you reading this I expect! Was it a bit far out there?! The answer is no. It was another release, a time for me to talk about things that affect my day to day life. I found the healing experience deeply relaxing and felt heat in my knee and lower back even though Georgie was just hovering over these areas. Time will tell of any physical healing, but emotionally I felt better and Georgie created a plan of daily things to introduce that I continue to practise at home.

The above two are my own personal experiences I’ve had with Georgie and can vouch that they have worked (and continue to work) for me. Georgie also practises Hypnobirthing, Chakra Dancing and offers various workshops. Anyone interested in anything mentioned in this article, please contact Georgie directly. Her website is very informative.

Thank you Georgie for finding Kundalini all those years ago and now passing it on to all your Yogis. My next goal is to join your Zoom yoga with my daughter Cariad - I feel she too will hugely benefit.

Article written by Lisa Marie.


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