Local Talent: Helen Arthur

Woman in blue jumpsuit paints large painting of hills.

Local Talent, Helen Arthur tells us about her artwork and where you can find it!

Type of Artist? Printer and painter of the Welsh Marches landscape and wildlife.

Range of Products? Original mixed media paintings, hand- coloured etchings, limited edition prints, greetings cards.

Price range? £2.30 to £950.

How long have you been an artist? In 2016, I rekindled my infatuation for art, starting with life drawing and linocut printmaking. In lockdown, I shifted to experimental painting inspired by the solace of my surroundings.

Where did you train or gain experience? I put in long hours in my first shed-studio. Graft and grit!

Artist statement: In 2021, I opened to the public by setting up Skirrid Studio & Gallery, Longtown. I’d love to show you around my creative space and gallery room. No need to wait for Herefordshire Art Week (3–11/09/22), just book a viewing any time.

You can also find my work at Bluestone Gallery (Hay onWye), The Courtyard Shop (Hereford), Ironbridge Fine Arts and Court Cupboard Gallery (Abergavenny – until 14/07/22). And you’ll spot my landscape paintings in “The Perfect Hill” exhibition at Ludlow Assembly Rooms from 16/07–04/09/22.

As co-curator of Mappa Marches (funded by the Arts Council, England) I support other artists in the region. We’re touring with our group exhibition, which started in Hereford, January 2022, and ends at the Sidney Nolan Trust, Presteigne, in October.

In 2021 and 2022, the Royal Cambrian Academy and Oriel Cric selected my work for their annual open shows.

Sharing an obsession for printmaking, I lead a mid- monthly printmaker’s club at The Hub, Peterchurch, on Saturday afternoons. We’d love to see you there!


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