Lucy Sheehan Movement and Psychotherapy in Brecon Beacons

Where are you based and what area do you cover? I’m based at The Stables in Llandefalle. The tranquility of the space and the presence of nature is really supportive for settling the nervous system and easing into both therapy and movement. Llandefalle is ideally located for people living in Powys, though I also offer therapy sessions online.

Tell us about your approach: My work helps people to heal from traumatic and stressful experiences and to find greater peace and acceptance in their lives. I take an embodied mindfulness approach to psychotherapy and movement. Coming in to a conscious relationship with moment-by- moment experience, through the body, supports transformation in areas in your life where you may be holding onto ways of being that are no longer helpful. This allows you to move from reacting to responding to experience, and to experience more ease in life.

What services do you offer?

Therapy - I offer Core Process Psychotherapy which draws together Western and Buddhist Psychology, and begins from the premise that awareness is fundamentally healing. My work is also informed by somatic psychology. In therapy, I journey with you into your deepest experiences so the parts of you that are hurting can be met and held with compassion.Through this work you come to know and care for the parts of yourself that have been hurt and hidden, and the ways of being you have developed that try to keep you safe that may no longer serve you. In turn, this allows you to live with more compassion for yourself and a greater appreciation of life. I offer sessions in person and online.

Movement - I offer embodied movement practices, one-to-one and in groups. I love to create space for people to rest and release as I think we desperately need more space to just ‘be’ in our busy lives. For example, in my Embodied Yin workshops we find movement in rest and allow tension to fall away from the muscles and fascia, and emotions to move through.This allows us to let go of what we don’t need and to deeply replenish ourselves. From here, we can meet our lives more fully.

Can you give examples of people you have helped recently? As part of our ethical commitment to clients, UKCP registered psychotherapists do not use testimonials from therapeutic work. From my own experience however, psychotherapy and movement have offered me ways to become intimate with my own body and to deeply appreciate the full sensory experience of life. They have offered me experience of how being kind to myself and aware of myself, which does not always come naturally in modern society, can translate into deeper relationships and greater acceptance of all that life brings.

My background: I am a yoga teacher and have a Masters and PhD Social Work. I have experience of therapeutic work with families, people with addictions, mental health difficulties, childhood trauma, and people in periods of transition. I am interested in the wisdom of the body in how it responds to and heals from trauma, and I have experience of working with people somatically to find greater ease in their bodies and lives. I am also interested in ways in which expanded states of consciousness can support our healing, including psychedelic work, depth hypnosis, and shamanic journeying, which I am currently exploring through experiential training.

How to get in touch: If you are interested in exploring one to one work with me, I offer a free 20 minute call so we can see if we are a good fit. This is an informal and relaxed way of us seeing if we’d like to work together, so get in touch at


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