Maureen Lloyd

Introduce the Multiple System Atrophy Trust: The Multiple System Atrophy Trust is the only charity to support families and sufferers of Multiple System Atrophy.

I hope to raise awareness of this disorder and generate some much needed funds to help the Multiple System Atrophy Trust support current sufferers, as well as help their research, working towards a slow down of the deteriorating symptoms of this disease, and ultimately a cure.

Tell us about yourself and why you set this challenge: I, like so many others, had never heard of this disorder, which has similarities to Parkinson’s but deterioration is much quicker. Although rare, a friend of mine in Painscastle has been diagnosed with MSA and so I have witnessed the impact it has had on the patient and his family.

My challenge was to walk 100 miles during January and to ask for sponsorship for this effort. Alongside that I invited friends to share one of their favourite walks with me, however short, as I feel there are substantial benefits of walking with company. Different views, different ideas, interests etc. For every walk shared I will donate £10 to the MSATrust.

How did the challenge go? I managed to complete the 100 miles by Sunday 29th January when several members of my family joined me in the last three miles to finish at Rhosgoch Golf Club. I enclose a picture taken when we arrived at the Gold Club.

How much money did you raise? We have received over £1900 in sponsorship and with the shared walks we are over the £2,000 mark, which is fantastic.

If any of our readers wanted to donate, how can they do this: I have a justgiving donation page:- www.

Anything else you’d like our readers to know? I can’t express how thrilled I have been by the support of so many people, I feel humbled by the generosity of people, and I am glad that there is much more awareness of this disorder.The community support we have had has been tremendous.


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