Get to Really Know: Alice Steel

Alice is a self-employed reflexologist, living in Hay-on-Wye with her husband and two small children. After moving to Hay a few years ago from Bristol, Alice and her family feel settled and very lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world.

Trying to run a small business and parenting a 6 year old and a 3 year old takes up most of Alice’s time, but when she finds the opportunity, Alice most of all enjoys walking (another reason she loves living in Hay!), reading and trying to bake gluten and dairy free cakes!

Place of birth? Swindon,Wiltshire.

Where do you live now? Hay-on-Wye.

Marital status? Married.

Occupation? Part time reflexologist, full time parent.

Children? Two little sweet-peas, 6 and 3.

Pets? Two goldfish (I’ve got lots of allergies!)

What was your favourite childhood television programme? ‘Live and Kicking’ on a Saturday morning.

Name one thing you miss about being a kid: Playing - I grew up surrounded by other kids and we played a lot of in 40/40, red rover, rounders... it was wonderful!

Name one thing you love about being an adult: Friendships, I love the friendships I have now as an adult - there are so many shared experiences we can reflect on together, so much to laugh about!

If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? Probably something like a koala bear - I just enjoy taking things slow, I find life very fast at times!

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? To fly - definitely fly!

What is usually your first thought when you wake up? What time is it?!

Most exciting thing you’ve won? I honestly don’t think I’ve won anything.

Are you a collector of anything? No, I feel like I haven’t got the ability to collect - I lose things, I move on from things, I change my mind a lot.

Two lessons life has taught you? Don’t worry so much about what people think, they aren’t thinking about you as much as you worry they are, and take things slow and have a cup of tea before you make a decision.

What makes you grumpy? Lack of sleep.

Have you any bad habits? I get eczema, so scratching is an awful habit!

Which bad habits drive you crazy? Not opening the curtains/blinds in the morning.

Do you believe in the afterlife? I’m not sure what exactly but I do believe there’s something after our time here on Earth.

What book would you recommend to others? I recently read ‘Hamnet’ and loved it - ‘Day of the Triffids’ is one of my favourites and ‘The Far Pavilions’.

Best present ever received? My son was born on my birthday, so I count him as the best ever birthday present.

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? Brazil - I’d love to see (some of!) the Amazon rainforest.

List five goals on your life’s to-do list: I’ve never really set myself life goals before, but now I’ve got thinking about it, I would say one is definitely to raise my children to be happy, content and secure adults - if I manage that I’ll be happy! Other goals - to one day be good enough on the sewing machine to make my own clothes, to one day find more time to paint again, and finally for my husband and I to have finished all the work that needs doing on our house (ideally before retirement!).

What’s your favourite song of all time? ‘This Must Be The Place’ - Talking Heads.

What would be your dream job? I love what I do as a reflexologist and my favourite thing about it is being able to work with people - so if I wasn’t doing this, then definitely something else where I get to work with people.

Sum yourself up in five words: Caring, compassionate, unorganised, happy, and tired!


Maureen Lloyd


New in Town: Heart of the Wye