On The Verge

On The Verge are a group of volunteers – we preserve, maintain and create habitats that are of benefit to our natural world, especially our pollinators. Despite our groups name we have created wildflower habitats in gardens, play areas, community spaces, river banks, schools... the list goes on.

We are more than happy to pass on the knowledge gained over almost five years, free of charge, to anyone thinking of helping our environment.

Our earths ecological situation is in dire straits and it can seem a daunting subject to know how we, as individuals, can help.

When we are invited to talk with schools, neighbours, community groups, churches... all kinds of people, our main message is quite simple – “ONE METRE MATTERS”.

If you can find a place, of one metre, in your outdoor space, maybe a pot indoors or on a patio, where you can encourage our insects and pollinators, it will make a massive difference. On The Verge are only too happy to help in any way we can.


Article supplied by On The Verge


Your History: Brecon Bridges; Priory Bridge


Small Breeds Farm Park