The Inbody Test with Janine Price

Like many of us this January, I have made a promise to myself to be more disciplined and give my mind and body the time and commitment it deserves this year. Reaching your goals regarding your body, whatever they are can be a minefield! Whether you want to gain fat, lose fat, gain muscle or increase your cardiovascular performance, it is difficult to know where to begin and whether you’re going in the right direction. How many of us fall off the wagon and give up on our goals when after six weeks of exercise classes and eating healthier we begin to see the weighing scales go up? What the bathroom scales don’t show you is how your body composition is changing; how you’re gaining muscle and losing fat and therefore your body is actually weighing more. It is proof that you’re doing it right, not time to give in - but how many of us know this?

It’s because of this difficulty to see what is going on inside your body that I recommend meeting and working with Janine Price. Having a body composition test at the beginning of your journey shows where you’re starting and it measures so much more than weight. Body composition is a method of describing what the body is made of. It includes fat, protein, minerals and body water. It also describes weight more accurately than BMI. Body composition analysis can accurately show any changes in fat mass, muscle mass and body fat percentage.

I completed a body composition test with Janine. This consisted of going to her therapy room in Abergavenny, taking off my shoes and socks and standing on the InBody Machine, holding the handles, typing in my height, age and sex. Within two minutes I was holding a piece of paper which showed my weight broken down into total body water, body fat mass, skeletal muscle mass, visceral fat level (that’s the fat in between your organs - and having too little is equally as dangerous as having too much), as well as the proteins and minerals in my body.

Knowing my body in all this detail meant that I could create a personalised fitness plan that targeted specific aspects of my health such as increasing my visceral fat and increasing my skeletal muscle mass. Furthermore, as I continue monthly visits with Janine, I can monitor how my body composition is changing, and not trouble myself over the simplistic, fluctuating measurement of body weight alone.

Janine and I discussed my lifestyle and hobbies and worked to create a fitness plan that worked for me and realistically set out goals that were achievable which would see me gaining a healthier lifestyle over time. Some ideas included incorporating ankle weights into my daily dog walk to increase the intensity of the exercise without having to increase the amount of time I dedicate to it. As well as changing my walking route every few days to include more inclines. Janine also spoke to me about what foods to incorporate into my diet to help me increase my visceral fat and muscle mass too.

With Janine’s guidance and detailed knowledge about my own body, I am going into my new year armed with a plan, support and understanding that I have no doubt will help me reach my New Year’s goals. If you are feeling daunted by the thought of starting a new fitness plan in 2024, book a body composition test with Janine. If Abergavenny is too far she also has a room at the Foundry in Brecon, and other locations too, her appointments last for 30 minutes and cost £35. Tailor made appointments are available. Her kind, non-judgemental nature will put you at ease and her knowledge and attention to detail will get you excited about taking the reins and living a healthier lifestyle this New Year!

Body Composition Test review written by Carrianne Ralph


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