What is the Hay-on-Wye Community Enterprise CIC?

The CIC was set up by a group of local people to save and restore the Cheese Market in Hay on Wye, transforming it into a building that could benefit the local community, both through its use and the funds that it generates.

Image of an outdoor market filled with people in Hay on Wye

A CIC is a community interest company, or non profit making, and exists to create social wealth for the benefit of residents and visitors to Hay-on-Wye. Set up in 2008, the restoration was completed in 2012 and the building now has two useable spaces. Upstairs is a beautiful holiday let and the ground floor serves as a rentable market space. Profits from both spaces form the Hay Fund, which distributes grants to local initiatives.

Why was the Hay Fund created? The Hay Fund was created so the CIC could continue to benefit the community beyond the building’s restoration, as a way to disperse profits from the holiday flat and market hall.

Who can apply for these grants? Anyone in the Hay area can apply for grants. The projects need to benefit the local community and be free to participate in. Applications should be for projects broadly within a 5-mile radius of the Cheese Market. There are two main criteria: 1. Provide financial and technical support for the development of environmentally responsible land and buildings, which will be used for not-for-profit community purposes, and 2. Provide financial and technical support to not-for-profit community event and projects.

What sort of grants have been offered in the past? The Cheese market has supported many projects including: Hay Independence Day celebrations; The Hay Theatre CIC; Marches Book Arts Group book arts trail; Bryngwyn Riding for the Disabled; Hay Scouts Group; Canoe Club Hay; Snodhill Castle restoration launch; Hay Christmas Lights Appeal; and Hay Walking Festival.

How do people apply for a grant? To apply contact Emily Daw info@haycheesemarket.org for an application and the fund criteria. Directors meet every four months and will make decisions on any applications at their meeting.The next meeting will be in May.

https://www.haycommunityenterprise.org/ (CIC)

https://haycheesemarket.org/ (Flat)
Article supplied by Emily Daw


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