Ludlow Repair Cafe

Ludlow Repair Café will hold its first event of 2024 on Saturday 27th January at the Elim Church in Smithfield Car Park from 9.30am to 12 noon. Apart from TVs, and sometimes, kettles, almost anything is accepted by the team of volunteer repairers – and the list of items which have come through the doors at the Elim Church, and via the At-Home service, grows with each event.

We can take everyday items from the kitchen or the garden, either electrical or mechanical; tools, lamps, ornaments, toys, small items of furniture, clocks, IT equipment and, thanks to our new specialist volunteer – anything which needs sewing or darning, from clothing to curtains, rucksacks to ripped jeans! There is no guarantee of repair and there will, of course, sadly, be items which really have reached the end of their useful life, but the team will do their very best to keep whatever comes to their repair tables, and their homes between each Café event, working for as long as possible.Whatever goes back home for a longer working life has saved the owners the financial cost of replacing the item – at least for a while!

There is, too, the hidden cost to the planet of disposing of items and from January, Ludlow Repair Café will be calculating the carbon savings of each repaired item. Look out for more info!

If you like fixing things and want to join the team, contact Di Lyle on 07786 620 624 or email


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