Q&A: Back to Basics Wales

We spoke with Chris Rayner from Back to Basics Wales about their wellbeing workshops…

Where are you based? Our 1-day well-being workshops are set in the green heart of Wales in the foothills of the Brecon Beacons mountain range, in a glade surrounded by ancient woodland and bordered by a stream. It’s near the National Park Visitor Centre in Libanus.

For someone thinking about attending one of your day workshops, tell us what to expect? On the day, once we have introduced some basic mindful practices, gaining inspiration from the woods and water - we will concentrate on reflecting on people’s issues and goals; and if weather permits mixing walking with thinking and talking. We have a sheltered base-camp in the woods, if required.

We provide refreshments throughout, including a home-cooked lunch, hopefully warmed over the fire or baked in the mud-oven.

Participants should leave with:

• Mindful and meditation practices to continue at home;

• A workbook recording your thoughts, ideas and decisions; and

• An opportunity for continued coaching support.

The workshops cost £80 and run from 9am to 5pm. If the weather’s OK guests can stay for supper and a campfire with us too.

Mindfulness – What is it? Through focused short exercises, mindfulness sets out to bring a greater awareness of the world around us, of our senses and our ability to control our emotions and reactions to life events.The more awareness we have, the better we can respond to suffering, pain and loss in a positive way. The more awareness we have, the greater we can appreciate the present moment rather than regret the past or agonise about the future.

Woodland mindfulness takes its inspiration for meditation from the trees, woodland floor and streams around us; soaking up the beauty and power of nature and honing our senses to appreciate and concentrate on the detail of the natural world often missed in our busy built environments. Mindfulness can also be described as just doing one thing at a time!

Coaching – What is it? Personalised coaching is the opportunity to talk in confidence with a coach who will help you think clearly about your life goals and ambitions and where you are on your journey to achieve them. A coach will help you decide what you might do next or do differently. Chris is an experienced coach who over the past 15 years has worked with and supported a variety of clients.

Do you offer further support? Once you leave your Back to Basics workshop, you may experience a ‘so what?’ moment! The most important part of any new experience or any new learning about self is to reflect and ask ‘what next’? For a monthly fee, Chris can stay in touch with you via phone, text, Zoom or email and support and help you focus on what you need next.

Tell us how some people feel after a workshop with you? One attendee wrote: ‘I really benefitted from attending a ‘Back to Basics Workshop’ with Chris and Steve. The course provided me with greater insight into how I can adapt and change aspects of myself and my lifestyle to act with less urgency, be more self-aware and more in the moment.The peaceful and inspiring environment, and Christina’s exceptional coaching skills have made me re-think my future path and helped me to form goals that I can work towards as I embark on retirement.’


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