Q&A: Bethesda Evangelical Church

A red brick church sits in front of a street.

We spoke with Reverend Gordon Bingham this April…

Introduce yourself: Hi, my name is Rev Gordon Bingham, I am the minister of Bethesda Church in Hay on Wye. I am originally from a rural village called Dromara, in Co. Down Northern Ireland. I have been a minister in Bethesda for 8 1/2 years and really enjoy being part of our local community. Alongside my work as minister I am also Chair of Governors for Hay School and one of the directors of Hay Market, where you will see me, eachThursday setting up and taking down the market stalls. If you see me, please come and say hello!

What’s your church like? Bethesda is a family friendly Christian church working to support our local area by running various events and regular groups.We meet twice each Sunday for Bible Teaching and Worship. During the morning service we also hold a Sunday school for primary school aged children. Our church demographic is made up of families with children, couples, singles, and retired folk.

Describe a typical service: A typical morning service always begins with a welcome and then any notices for the week’s activities. It includes singing, Bible reading, children’s talk, Prayer of intercession & Sermon. After the children’s talk the children leave for Sunday school where they have activities that are tailored for their age.

What would you say to any of our readers who are thinking of coming along to the church? We do our best to make your visit to our church as welcoming as possible and we want you to feel at home in our church community. There’s always a buzz of conversation and laughter to be heard every Sunday. After each service, we always have tea, coffee, cakes/biscuits. On the first Sunday of every month our morning service is an all-age family service, that is followed by a Bring and Share lunch, which anyone is welcome to come to.

What events take place at Bethesda Evangelical Church? As well as Sunday services & Sunday School, we run a range of events and groups throughout the year. Our toddler group meets each Thursday during the school term at 9.30am –11am. The Tea and Chat group meets every 1st and 3rd

Thursday of each month from 2pm – 4pm.We also host charity evenings to raise money for various charities. On the 2nd and 4th Sunday evenings at 6pm we hold a Café Church that is an informal event with tea/coffee and cakes that also includes a question time.

What will be happening this Easter?
Easter Fun Holiday club: 13th - 14th April at 9am- 3pm (Booking required).
Good Friday Service: 15th April at 10am.
Easter all age Family Service 17th April at 10.30am Easter Praise Service 17th April at 6pm.

Who can attend the services? Absolutely anyone. We would love to see you!

What advice would you give to anyone struggling at the moment? What we offer to anyone out there who is struggling is a cup of tea/coffee and a listening ear. We won’t judge or criticise, just confidentially listen and support you as best we can. It helps to talk about your struggles with someone who genuinely cares.

Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know? We have a website, Facebook and Instagram which lets you know what events are upcoming.

Also if anyone needs any help or just someone to talk to please get in touch we are here to help you in any way we can.


New in Town: Hillscott Projects Ltd.


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