Scar Therapy with Lynne Roscrow

We spoke to Lynne Roscrow, a soft tissue therapist with a focus on scars, based in the Spiro Clinic & Wellness Centre in Ludlow, about her work.

Smiling Woman Looking into Camera

Tell us how you came to specialise in Scar Therapy I trained initially in Swedish massage in 2010, then did further training in 2011 in Clinical Sports & Remedial Massage, Level 5, which ignited my passion for helping the human body move with ease.Then in 2015 I found ScarWork. I am really passionate about helping people find a release from their physical scars, be that pain, discomfort, numbness, restriction or disconnection from that part of their body.

What are Scar Therapy and ScarWork? Scar Therapy is the treatment of scars with the aim of improving the health and overall look of the tissue.Virtually all scars, and bodies and souls, can benefit from a little bit of TLC.ScarWork is a particularly gentle and non-invasive method of scar therapy originated by a lady called Sharon Wheeler in the US. I have further enhanced my skills with additional training in specific areas such as scar therapy after breast cancer surgery, led by my colleague Emma Holly of Restore ScarTherapy.

What advice would you give to someone who has a scar or scars on their body? You do not need to be ‘held to ransom’ by your scar(s), by what happened in your past (recent or distant, by accident or consciously chosen). The feel, the visual reminder, the physical restrictions on your activities may be constant companions. I have worked with many clients who didn’t realise the impact their scar had on them until I addressed it and they felt free and whole again – physically and emotionally.

Tell us a little about how your clinic works I work with you every step of the way with clear communication, working gently around the scar, on the scar; I may massage deeper into muscles and tissue far away from the scar. I don’t even have to touch the scar if it is sensitive... that time will come if there is heightened sensitivity. Many, if not all, of my clients become relaxed about me touching their scar and the surrounding area (drifting off is not unusual!), but they also become as comfortable about touching the scar themselves as with any other part of their body. Frequently clients would describe how that area became part of them again.

What are the benefits of Scar Therapy? This gentle work can help on so many levels. For example, if you have tightness, pain, restriction, numbness or some other form of physical sensation, this can ease off, allowing freer movement and less restriction. Some results I have seen in my clients include being able to play sport with more strength, carrying out physical work with ease, and picking up kids/grandkids without wincing or saying no.

The mark on the skin from a scar will always be there, but the work can, in many cases, reduce the prominence of scars and any redness or lumpiness. All of the face, neck and head scars I have worked on have reduced in prominence, allowing the client to feel free of the constant reminder and, ultimately, more confident. Please get in touch for a chat if you would like to know more.


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